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Are Mega Blocks And LEGOs Compatible? (Explained)

Are Mega Bloks And LEGOs Compatible

Lego and Mega Bloks are two big names in the world of building blocks. 

If you’re into these toys, you’ve probably wondered if you can mix and match them. Maybe you’ve got sets from both brands, or you’re thinking about getting some new blocks.

I have some good news for you – most Mega Bloks and LEGO bricks are compatible!

But not every piece or brick.

In this post, I’ll shed some light on which Mega Bloks and LEGO bricks work together.

Are LEGOs And Mega Blocks Compatible?

Yes, LEGOs and Mega Bloks are generally compatible – especially the basic bricks.

You can mix and match the bricks from both brands which is pretty cool if you want to build something using both.

But here’s the thing – it’s not always perfect. The connection isn’t always as solid as you might hope, especially compared to using all Lego or all Mega Bloks.

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This is mostly because the two brands make their bricks a bit differently, and Lego tends to be more precise in how they make theirs.

Compatibility Of Specific Parts

Now let’s take a look at this in more details:

Plates And Tiles

When it comes to the flatter pieces like plates and tiles, Lego and Mega Bloks actually get along pretty well. You can usually put them together without too much trouble. 

But if you’re putting Lego pieces on top of Mega Bloks, they might not grip as tightly. 

This is because Mega Bloks studs (those little bumps on top) are usually a tad smaller than Lego ones.

Rods And Accessories

Now, for things like rods and other small accessories, it gets a bit trickier. 

Lego rods (like lightsabers or magic wands) are often too big to fit comfortably in Mega Bloks holes. And Mega Bloks rods can usually fit into Lego holes, but they tend to be a bit loose.

This goes for other small items too.

Mega Bloks stuff is often too small for Lego figures to hold onto properly.

Specialty Pieces  

When we’re talking about more unique pieces like Erling bricks (those 1×1 bricks with a stud on the side), it’s hit or miss.

Sometimes they work great together, and other times they just don’t want to cooperate. 

The newer Lego pieces with side studs tend to be more friendly with Mega Bloks, but it’s not a guarantee.

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Minifigures And Characters

If you’re hoping to swap heads or bodies between Lego and Mega Bloks figures, I’ve got some bad news – it just doesn’t work. 

They’re made differently and don’t fit together. 

Plus, they look pretty different too.

Mega Bloks figures look more realistic or detailed, and Lego sticks to its famous simple style.

Duplo And Larger Bricks

Moving on to the bigger bricks, like Duplo, there’s some compatibility with similar Mega Bloks products. But there are differences. 

For example, Mega Bloks figures for these bigger sets often can’t sit on the bricks because of how their legs are made, unlike Duplo figures. 

And some Mega Bloks sets in this size use one big stud instead of four smaller ones.

This limits how well they work with other bricks.

Size Differences

Even though Lego and Mega Bloks look pretty similar at first glance, there are small size differences that can affect how well they work together. 

Mega Bloks are usually a tiny bit bigger than Lego bricks, sometimes just by half a millimeter. 

This small difference can add up in bigger builds and might cause some alignment issues or make your creation a bit wobbly.

Mixing LEGO And Mega Bloks

Pros And Cons Of Mixing LEGO And Mega Bloks 

Mixing Lego and Mega Bloks can be both good and bad. 

On the plus side, you get more building options and might save some money since Mega Bloks are often cheaper than Lego. 

Plus, you might get access to cool themed sets that only one brand offers.

But it’s not all sunshine and rainbows. 

Your creations might not be as sturdy, and the different looks of the pieces might clash a bit. It can also be a bit annoying when pieces don’t fit together as snugly as you’d like.

Tips For Using LEGO And Mega Bloks Together

If you’re set on mixing your bricks, here are some tips.

Stick to the basic bricks and plates from both brands – they tend to get along better. Be ready to problem-solve and maybe use extra pieces to keep things stable. 

Also Read: What to do with LEGOs after they are built

It’s a good idea to keep themed sets (like those cool Mega Bloks Warcraft or Halo ones) separate and use them more for display. 

When you’re working on a project, do some test fits before you go all in. 

And remember, flexibility is key – be ready to swap out pieces if something’s not working.

Using LEGO And Mega Bloks Together

Bottom Line

So, here’s the deal: LEGO and Mega Bloks can work together to some extent, especially with basic bricks, but they’re not made to be completely interchangeable. 

You might run into some challenges when you mix them, like pieces not fitting quite right, builds being a bit unstable, or specialty pieces not working together at all. 

But hey, if you’re creative and patient, you can totally make it work and build some cool stuff using both brands.


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Yes, Mega Pokémon sets are compatible with LEGO bricks in terms of connecting them together. But figures and specific pieces might not be interchangeable.

Is LEGO Better Than Mega Bloks?

Yes, LEGO is considered superior to Mega Bloks due to better build quality, consistency, and a wider range of pieces and designs.